Become a Member
Membership Information
Memberships are for one calendar year (January - December) and are $26 per year. Dues are discounted to $13.50 during October - December and your membership will need to be renewed each January thereafter for $26.
For complete Member Benefits, please go to the PAH About Section.
Your membership will be activated after receipt of this form and your payment via the PayPal button below or a check sent to:
Membership, Pastel Artists of Hawaii
PO Box 240207
Honolulu HI 96824-0207.
Please note with your check that Web Membership Entry was used. Alternatively, you may pay your dues online using the payment links after completion of this form.
Complete this form. All asterisked items are required. At least one phone number should be entered. Enter your email address, if you want current and timely updates.
Sign up by credit card here. Signups during October - December are discounted as your membership will need to be renewed each January:
If you are renewing your membership you do not need to fill out this form unless you want to update your contact info (then fill it out and then use the PayPal link below to pay). If you are renewing and don’t need to update your contact info, just use the PayPal link below to pay for your membership.
* indicates a required field